Tyvek DIY Bivy Sack, Groundsheet, Rain Skirt from BackPacker
Thanks to Kristy Holland and her piece on Backpacker.com called "Create Tyvek Treasures - Stay warm and fight the rain with three simple projects using this waterproof/breathable material." In particular, Kristy's article offers a Supplies callout box (shown to the right) that tells readers they can buy a 60" by 10 yard roll of Tyvek 1443R online from Material Concepts with enough Tyvek material for all three do-it-yourself projects for:
Kristy's instructions on how to make the Tyvek bivy sack are quite clever. And the Tyvek rain skirt is a new idea that could work great if hiking on a rainy day.
So these three Tyvek DIY (do-it-yourself) projects are good ideas, and thanks again to Kristy Holland for mentioning Material Concepts as the source for purchasing Tyvek.
Have a Tyvek DIY project/idea that you would like to share and have featured on this Tyvek Innovative Uses blog? Just drop a line to web@materialconcepts.com and let us know what you are doing, and maybe we'll feature your Tyvek DIY idea here in future post.
- Tyvek Groundsheet
- Tyvek Bivy Sack
- Tyvek Rain Skirt
Kristy's instructions on how to make the Tyvek bivy sack are quite clever. And the Tyvek rain skirt is a new idea that could work great if hiking on a rainy day.
So these three Tyvek DIY (do-it-yourself) projects are good ideas, and thanks again to Kristy Holland for mentioning Material Concepts as the source for purchasing Tyvek.
Have a Tyvek DIY project/idea that you would like to share and have featured on this Tyvek Innovative Uses blog? Just drop a line to web@materialconcepts.com and let us know what you are doing, and maybe we'll feature your Tyvek DIY idea here in future post.
Labels: Tyvek, Tyvek DIY, Tyvek Products, Tyvek Uses

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