Tyvek Innovative Uses Blog, by Material Concepts

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Large Tyvek Paintings from Janet Read on Tyvek 10G

Tyvek is certainly great for large artworks, and Janet Read certainly shows that with her two large paintings on Tyvek entitled Reading the Wave 1 and Reading the Wave 2. How large? Each is 5 feet wide by 12 feet high. Tyvek 10G was used for these paintings. They were part of her exhibition shown recently at two galleries in Ontario Canada.

The artist, Janet Read, comments:
These works were created on hard surface Tyvek 10G for the Reading the Wave exhibitions. My work was inspired by residencies in Newfoundland, Canada and on the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland. I used acrylic paint with the Tyvek medium and lots of water to do these works, titled Reading the Wave #1 and #2. The surface of the Tyvek is really beautiful especially with a thin wash of acrylic which makes the fiber grain visible. A soft linear texture is revealed under the paint, like a frost pattern on ice.

It is really wonderful to roll up two paintings, 60 x 144 inches, and pop them in a box and away they go. I had special dowels made at the Japanese Paper Place in Toronto that have rare earth magnets in them. They clip together and held the piece perfectly. They were 1 and a half inch dowels with four pairs of magnets imbedded in them.

About Janet Read
Janet Read is a Canadian artist specializing in non-figurative painting. She is a member of the Ontario Society of Artists. Her work can be viewed on her website www.janet-read.com and is available for purchase at galleries in Toronoto, Peterborough, Montreal and Edmonton. Read has exhibited her color-saturated paintings from Quebec to Alberta. Her recent exhibits were held October 11 to November 17, 2012 at Aurora Cultural Centre in Aurora ON, and November 22 to December 22, 2012 at Rebecca Gallery, Toronto, ON.

Many thanks to Janet Read for sharing her work on Tyvek. All photos copyright Janet Read, used with her permission.

If you want to use Tyvek to create paintings or other artwork, large or small, you can purchase many styles of Tyvek online, including Tyvek 10G. For further assistance, please contact Material Concepts or call us at 215-338-6515. Material Concepts is an authorized DuPont™ Tyvek® master distributor.

Reading the Wave #1                Reading the Wave #2

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Paper Cutting Art Projects with Tyvek

Florida Atlantic University is hosting an art exhibit from January 19 - March 2, 2013 called Papercuts, featuring "works by artists who manipulate, bend and cut paper, creating unique pieces ranging from visual narratives to complex sculptural abstractions." One of the artists featured in this papercutting exhibit is Béatrice Coron, who was featured in previous post in this blog. FAU's student magazine describes this papercut art exhibit and shows a photo of Coron's hand-cut Tyvek piece. Papercuts is a traveling exhibition; it was also recently shown at IUPUI's Herron Galleries.

Also previously featured here was papel picado - Mexican paper cutting where the artist Phil Ponce used Tyvek. And many other Tyvek art pieces featured here have been made with cut and manipulated Tyvek.

If you are thinking about doing some paper cutting artwork, this would be a great time to do it. Material Concepts currently has some black Tyvek available as odd lots, and a few different styles of traditional white Tyvek in odd lots/excess inventory. And of course, regular rolls of black Tyvek are always available, as are all styles of Tyvek paper, Tyvek fabric and Tyvek Graphics media.

Please contact Material Concepts or call us at 215-338-6515. Material Concepts is an authorized DuPont™ Tyvek® master distributor.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Serged Seam Tyvek Mailers from Detroit Denim Co

Detroit Denim Co is an American manufacturer operating a small factory hand-making jeans, denim bags and leather products with superb craftsmanship. So what's the connection with Tyvek? They posted this photo on Facebook about using Tyvek to make mailers to ship their denim products. They put the Tyvek on their sewing machine and sew on a serged seam edge to create a custom, creative Tyvek shipping envelope. They write the address on the outside with a permanent marker, put in the jeans, and have a cool shipper that is durable and lightweight. That's an innovative use for Tyvek! We salute Detroit Denim for their US manufacturing effort and their creativity.

Why not make your own? Buy a roll of Tyvek and do it yourself; check out the Tyvek sewing instructions (PDF).  Of course, if you don't have time or a sewing machine to make your own Tyvek envelopes, Material Concepts is a leading supplier of stock and custom printed Tyvek envelopes.

And if you need some great denim jeans, or a durable duffle bag, or even a cool leather wallet, all made in the heart of Detroit, try Detroit Denim Co. Maybe your pair will come in a custom sewn Tyvek envelope!

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