Tyvek Recycling

DuPont manages a nationwide recycling program that collects used Tyvek® – even printed Tyvek® and recycles it into other useful materials that provide sound alternatives to the use of wood, including park benches, playground equipment, etc. To help you recycle all of your used Tyvek®, DuPont put the recycling infrastructure in place.

Address and mail your Tyvek to:
Tyvek® Recycle
Attn. Shirley B. Wright
2400 Elliham Avenue #A
Richmond, VA 23237
Contact Shirley B. Wright, Tyvek® Recycling Specialist, at 1-800-222-5676 or 1-866-33-TYVEK® for information.
It is important to note that DuPont put this program in place for envelopes, both plain and printed, however, other styles of Tyvek are appropriate for recycling in this program, such as printed Tyvek signs and banners. Do call the above referenced phone number with questions.