Tyvek Pouches for Medical/Sterile Packaging
We receive lots of inquiries about Tyvek pouches. While this is not an item we sell, we still like to educate and point those who inquire in the right direction for purchasing:
There are a variety of pouches for different applications:
Pouches made of DuPont™ Tyvek® help protect low-profile, lightweight medical devices so that they maintain sterility until opened. And, unlike paper, which can release a significant number of particulates when a package is opened, Tyvek® is known for its clean peel and low-linting features.
Pouches/Bags for Steam Sterilization: 1073B Tyvek® is heat-sealable to an autoclavable material for a durable, high quality peelable pouch. This flexible packaging is autoclavable in OEMs or in-hospital applications under controlled conditions (260°F/126°C); suitable for the processing and protection of dressings, instruments, implants, parenterals and other products requiring steam sterilization. Since no coating is needed for sealing the film to Tyvek®, the contents of the package never come into contact with an adhesive.
Header Bags/Breather Patches: Headers or breather patches of DuPont™ Tyvek® enable ethylene oxide (EtO) sterilization of film-film packages and foil pouches, which are used for devices requiring a barrier to light, oxygen or moisture.
All this info can be found on DuPont's Website: DuPont Medical Packaging
Where can you purchase Tyvek pouches? Click here for a list of U.S. Sterile Packaging Manufacturer Resource List provided by DuPont.

There are a variety of pouches for different applications:

All this info can be found on DuPont's Website: DuPont Medical Packaging
Where can you purchase Tyvek pouches? Click here for a list of U.S. Sterile Packaging Manufacturer Resource List provided by DuPont.

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