Tyvek Innovative Uses Blog, by Material Concepts

Friday, May 12, 2017

Tyvek Cranes in Woodland Gardens

The 2017 Tulip Festival in the Ashton Gardens at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, UT is featuring hanging displays of cranes made from Tyvek purchased from Material Concepts. Tyvek 8740D is used to make the cranes.

According to Garden Designer Esther Henrichsen:
We have a big Tulip Festival every year and the photos show a piece of a woodland with woodland flowers where we hung these thousands of cranes made from Tyvek from the tree branches to the ground. Soft Japanese music is playing in the background. Tens of thousands of our guests have passed by. Whenever I am out there I hear in amazement, "How is that paper holding up like that?" I tell them all about Tyvek and the many creative uses for it. Our garden volunteers folded the thousands of Tyvek cranes used in this display. We have plans to expand our use of Tyvek in the garden in the coming year.

From the Thanksgiving Point website: "Thanksgiving Point Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit farm, garden, and museum complex that draws upon the natural world to cultivate transformative family learning." Part of Thanksgiving Point, "the Ashton Gardens features 55-acres of stately gardens, grand lawns, as well as the largest manmade waterfall in the Western Hemisphere."

Photos provided by Esther Henrichsen, used with permission.

Tyvek 8740D can be purchased online from Material Concepts in rolls or sheets. Or contact Material Concepts for more information.

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Monday, May 1, 2017

Tyvek - 50th Anniversary

Tyvek was first commercially unveiled by DuPont on April 5th, 1967. So this year marks the 50th anniversary of the unveil of Tyvek. Since that date, Tyvek has become quite the versatile product.

According to DuPont's press release:

DuPont Protection Solutions announced the 50th anniversary of DuPont™ Tyvek®, a unique nonwoven material that has enabled new dimensions of protection, security and safety in a wide variety of industries and applications. To mark this major milestone, celebratory events will be held throughout the year to not only pay tribute to the past, but to focus on the future. In addition, a series of communications and special activities are planned to inform, inspire and involve customers, end-users and others around the world during this celebration year and beyond.

While Tyvek is known most prominently for building envelope solutions, such as Tyvek® HomeWrap®, and Tyvek® protective garment, there are many other uses for Tyvek.

Tyvek is now also used as graphics media, envelopes, wristbands, tag labels, archival wrap, framebacking, carpet/rug wrap, banners, cargo covers for pharmaceuticals and perishables, wallets, maps, hunting decoys, flags, currency, artistic displays, clothing, shoes, credit card sleeves, and a multitude of other applications.

Join in the Tyvek 50th anniversary celebration and use Tyvek in some new and creative way, and then tell us about it and we may feature your Tyvek project in a future blog post. Material Concepts is an authorized Tyvek master distributor - just contact Material Concepts or via phone: 215-338-6515 or 1-800-372-3366 or buy Tyvek online.

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