Tyvek Innovative Uses Blog, by Material Concepts

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Inflatable Tyvek Sculptures at Plymouth State University

At New Hampshire's Plymouth State University in early November, anyone around the outside of the Hartman Union Building (HUB) was treated to views of some huge inflatable Tyvek sculptures created by students in Professor Philip Lonergan’s class from the Art Department. These blow up Tyvek sculptures were installed on the HUB lawn; some of them were 10 feet high!

According to the article by Rachel Levi in PSU's The Clock Online, "since the massive structure is the essence of the sculptures, displaying them outdoors means their surroundings are large. Trees and buildings make the sculptures look smaller in contrast." One student told The Clock Online that "it took about three weeks and a total of 20 hours to construct his sculpture. The assignment was to research microscopic organisms and make one of these organisms into something massive, non-representational and difficult to ignore."

Professor Lonergan purchased the Tyvek material from Material Concepts and was able to secure discount pricing by buying some excess Tyvek inventory that is sometimes offered. In this case he purchased a discontinued Tyvek style of metallized Tyvek and it was an off-size cut.

Thanks to Rachel Levi at PSU's The Clock Online for providing the information and photos, used with permission.

Many artists are using Tyvek in their creations, and the art students at Plymouth State University certainly came up with an innovative way to utilize Tyvek in the projects.

Contact Material Concepts via phone: 215-338-6515 or 1-800-372-3366 to buy Tyvek.

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