Tyvek Innovative Uses Blog, by Material Concepts

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lumio Portable Lamp made with Tyvek

We recently backed another Kickstarter project that uses Tyvek material in its construction - the Lumio Lamp. Dubbed the "Modern Lamp With Infinite Possibilities", Lumio "unfolds from a book into a multi-purpose portable lamp". Shaped like a book with a wooden hardback cover, opening the book exposes the accordion-shaped lamp body material that is made with Tyvek and turns on the light. It is lit by internal LED lights and powered by a rechargeable lithium ion battery.

The video below tells the Lumio story.

The Lumio lamp made with Tyvek has been a wildly popular Kickstarter project, greatly exceeding its funding goals with about 5,000 backers, and it's booked out for at least two production runs. Lumio has been written up in Wired and on Mashable among its media coverage. Good luck to Lumio as it launches!

Want to develop your own cool products with Tyvek? Material Concepts can help with selecting the best Tyvek style for your product as well as supplying the Tyvek to produce the items.

Images courtesy of Max Gunawan, Lumio

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