Tyvek Innovative Uses Blog, by Material Concepts

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

DuPont™ Tyvek® Fabric Product Demo - Breathability and Durability Tests

The video below was developed by DuPont to demonstrate the difference in physical and performance properties of Tyvek compared to microporous film. The tests done are for breathability and durability. Check out how Tyvek performs in these tests.

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Tyvek Paper Cutting: Mexican Papel Picado on Tyvek by Phil Ponce

Phil Ponce and his Tyvek paper art wall hangingPhil Ponce, host of Chicago Tonight, a nightly television magazine of news and culture on Chicago's WTTW, is also a folk artist and Material Concepts customer. He has purchased and used black Tyvek rolls and Tyvek style 10G, a traditional white Tyvek that is used for many creative applications. This video features Phil's "secret" hobby of paper cutting and he's done it on Tyvek.

Having discovered his talent for paper cutting when he was in his twenties, he later discovered while on a trip to Mexico with his wife and mother that what he was making was actually Mexican folk art called papel picado. Papel picado is what decorative paper cutting in Mexico is called and it literally means paper with holes in it.

(Originally featured on this Chicago Tonight story: Paper Cuts.)

In the video Phil talks about papel picado being typically made from tissue paper and used to decorate celebrations. "With Mexican papel picado it's typically made out of tissue paper so it's very transient and it's a metaphor that beautiful things are transient and life is transient," said Phil in the video.

Instead of paper, Phil decided to use Tyvek. "I don’t want it to be transient, I want it to be something that is lasting. This is something that should last a very long time."

Tyvek is very easy to cut and is extremely strong and durable. A perfect combination for such delicate works of art.

Visit Phil's blog where he shares some of his inspiration behind his designs.

We have previously featured artist Béatrice Coron who is renowned for her "stories cut from paper" where she too uses Tyvek.

If you would like to purchase some black Tyvek or Tyvek 10G for your own art project, give us a call or order online. Also, check out our Tyvek excess inventory section for great deals on narrow width Tyvek rolls.

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posted by Douglas Kohn, www.MaterialConcepts.com at 0 Comments