Tyvek Innovative Uses Blog, by Material Concepts

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Origami cases made out of DuPont Tyvek

Origami cases made from DuPont Tyvek
Check out the latest from Origami - Origami cases made out of DuPont Tyvek.

Also - view the video from Origami designer Kevin Leong - many of the clothing items in the video are made with Tyvek.

If you have fashion forward ideas and want to use Tyvek in your designs, you can source the Tyvek from Material Concepts' online catalog or just contact us!

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posted by Douglas Kohn, www.MaterialConcepts.com at 0 Comments

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tyvek Cape from Béatrice Coron

This story and video featuring a Tyvek cape via exchangemagazine.com on Tuesday Nov 1 2011:
Béatrice Coron: Stories cut from paper.

"With scissors and paper, artist Béatrice Coron creates intricate worlds, cities and countries, heavens and hells. Striding onstage in a glorious cape cut from Tyvek, she describes her creative process and the way her stories develop from snips and slices. Béatrice Coron has developed a language of storytelling by papercutting multi-layered stories. ... Coron's oeuvre includes illustration, book arts, fine art and public art. She cuts her characteristic silhouette designs in paper and Tyvek."


For your own art or cape made from Tyvek, consider sourcing the Tyvek from Material Concepts' online catalog. And Material Concepts can provide material selection assistance for your next project using Tyvek - just contact us!

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posted by Matcon Webmaster at 0 Comments