Tyvek Innovative Uses Blog, by Material Concepts

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Working with Tyvek - Joggles Video

Joggles.com is Material Concepts customer that recently produced this video on working with Tyvek. View the video and see their comments below.

Joggles.com is an online retailer specializing in products for mixed media and textile artists, and Tyvek fits both categories. We’ve been using and selling Tyvek for years and our customer love the product, both the hard and soft structure types. Tyvek is versatile which means the creative possibilities are almost limitless. Take some Tyvek, add a little paint and a little heat and you never know what might happen!
- Barb at Joggles

Here's the direct link to the Tyvek items on the Joggles.com store.

Thanks Joggles.com for their comments and allowing the posting of their video!

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