Retail Graphics using DuPont Tyvek
Specific to Tyvek is the area of Store Design and Operations with the focus on retail signage.
At the show DuPont unveiled a family of Tyvek print media under the new Life-cycle Based Solutions platform featuring Tyvek media for wide format banners, displays, and bags. What makes this significant is that retailers now have a substrate that can help them achieve their sustainability goals by using recyclable Tyvek.
DuPont has teamed up with Waste Management and Northstar Recycling Group to develop a tremendous program designed to measure and track the impact of a retailers recycling effort and actually report the results. Once recycled, Tyvek retail materials will have a second life, repurposed for products such as playground equipment, landscaping materials, corrugated pipes, and park benches.
DuPont has also put together an Authorized Printer Network comprised of printers who excel in providing in-store and wide format print solutions to retailers. This printer network has met strict criteria for quality, testing, training, and sustainability compliance. Click here to find an authorized printer. Some of these printers had booths at Global Shop with some very impressive banners printed on DuPont Tyvek.
Great Big Pictures from Madison, WI displayed some impressive printed banners of which 3 were printed on DuPont Tyvek.
White / Black printed on Tyvek 1443R
Color banner printed on Tyvek 1443R
And this brilliant banner was printed on Tyvek Metallic
Rainier Industries out of Seattle WA also had some impressive graphics printed on Tyvek Metallic and the peacock feather which was printed on Tyvek Vivia.
Color Reflections printed graphics on Tyvek for DuPont's booth.
Butterflies printed on Tyvek Metallic
Color Reflections working at the DuPont Booth
Additional graphics printed by Color Reflections for DuPont's booth.
Aside from printing the tradeshow displays for DuPont and helping work DuPont's booth, Color Reflections was here to show off their capabilities.
Currently, CR has locations in Houston, Las Vegas, Orlando, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Hollywood, FL, and a satellite in Puerto Rico.
Other printers who are part of the Authorized Printer Network with booths at Global Shop included
Some of the other printers not exhibiting at the show who also helped work DuPont's booth were Merisel / Color Edge Visual, Pictura, Stella Color, Image Options, GFX, Portland Color, & Infinity Images.
Overall this was a very well attended show. We heard some great feedback from the Authorized Printer Network and the DuPont booth generated a ton of interest - and for good reason. I've seen my share of recyclable media substrates, but this is the first time I've seen a major company like DuPont step up and really put their money where their mouth is.
DuPont is not only interested in selling Tyvek - they want you to recycle it and they're not just saying so. DuPont has gone the extra mile to put together a select network of authorized printers that can speak to all aspects of a retail campaign - from the design of truly inspired retail solutions on a variety of Tyvek styles appropriate for messaging, texturing and layering - to the end-of-use recycling option that best fits the need of individual retailers.
This family of DuPont Tyvek substrates provides recyclable solutions for window and door messaging, interior and exterior displays, hanging banners, fixture signage, textured and layered display elements, and alternative media for promotional items such as bags, labels, vests, and anything you can imagine.
Even better - You don't have to be a big retailer to recycle Tyvek. In fact, anyone can recycle Tyvek right now. Even products that have been printed or coated. Simply purchase your own Tyvek recycling kit and keep it on hand until it's full and you're are ready to send it back. You can even track your own recycling campaign. Learn how by visiting
All photos of printed banners from Global Shop 2011 used with permission.
Labels: Retail Graphics, Tyvek, Tyvek Graphics, Tyvek Uses

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