Tyvek Innovative Uses Blog, by Material Concepts

Monday, April 19, 2010

This Tyvek Innovative Uses blog has a new URL and feed

This Tyvek Innovative Uses blog is now located at http://tyvek-blog.materialconcepts.com/. It was relocated due to a change in Google/Blogger's service.

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posted by Matcon Webmaster at 0 Comments

Using Tyvek as a Car Cover

Many customers are using our UV Soft Tyvek as a car cover.
This item: 120" X 10 YARD TYVEK 1460 is particularly popular for such uses and is big enough for most cars with material to spare just in case. Let us know how it works for you - send us your photos of your car using our Tyvek as a car cover. Email to web@materialconcepts.com.

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posted by Matcon Webmaster at 2 Comments

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Colored Tyvek, Coloring Tyvek with Acrylic Ink

A recent post on the Chewing with the Paper Chipmunk blog described coloring some Tyvek to make some miniature books. Paper Chipmunk says:

"My favorite way of decorating Tyvek is to use a foam cosmetic sponge dipped in acrylic ink. I then evenly smooth the color over the Tyvek, rubbing it in with the foam sponge. ...
Blue Colored Tyvek, Tyvek Coloring with Paint
Rubbing an even layer of the ink into the Tyvek brings out the patterns of its non-woven fibers. And one of the nicest things about acrylic ink is that it doesn't leave any discernible texture or tackiness--perfect for book pages. It just soaks into the Tyvek."

Check out the photos of the colored Tyvek and the miniature book made with the blue colored Tyvek. (Click photos to enlarge for detail.) Nice work Paper Chipmunk!
Blue Colored Tyvek Book
Many thanks to the Paper Chipmunk, info and photos used with permission.

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posted by Matcon Webmaster at 6 Comments