Tyvek Innovative Uses Blog, by Material Concepts

Friday, October 31, 2008

Innovative uses for Tyvek blog launched

This blog is all about different ways we see DuPont Tyvek being used in the marketplace.
From print media, printed envelopes, credit card sleeves, and signs and banners, to arts and crafts, and accessories like wallets and apparel, Tyvek seems to fit into a wide variety of applications.

At Material Concepts we speak to folks all over the USA and internationally about the wonders of Tyvek. This blog will feature innovative and creative uses we come across, companies we find that do amazing work with Tyvek, and will hopefully serve as a reference for folks who find Tyvek and its uses of interest.

This Tyvek coat was made by Marian Schoettle (MAU), and the Tyvek lamps were designed by Heath Nash. We purchased these from Unicahome.com.


posted by Matcon Webmaster at 3 Comments