
Friday, September 19, 2014

Tyvek Printing Innovative Uses

Looking for a way to jazz up a paper-based project? Print it on Tyvek! After reading a story about Tyvek being used as the medium for marks cards and certificates at Bangalore University and the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, we brainstormed some things that could be printed on Tyvek. Our top ideas include:
  • Diplomas
  • Award certificates
  • Sheet music
  • Playbooks
  • Wrapping paper
  • Recipes
  • Placemats
  • Scripts
  • Pictures/paintings/drawings
  • Blueprints
  • Clothing/costume designs
  • Concert/sporting event signs
  • Newsletters
  • Book covers
  • Runners race bibs
  • Flags/banners
  • Maps/directions
What do you think of these ideas? Comment below with your ideas!

Not sure of how to print on Tyvek? See our new Printing Processes for Tyvek Graphics Media web page, which provides good information on the Tyvek styles and printing processes. One easy way for small projects is inkjet printing on Tyvek sheets.
If you need Tyvek for your next project, you can purchase many styles of Tyvek® online. Or for further assistance, please contact Material Concepts or call us at 215-338-6515.

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