
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cut Tyvek Art Installation by Seattle Artist Celeste Cooning

The Seattle Times recently published an article titled "Seattle Artist Celeste Cooning Creates Airy Works That Last" that discusses Cooning's magnificent installation art work.

Photo Credit: Celeste Cooning
A critical aspect to any art project, particularly installation artwork, is the medium that an artist chooses to use - and the medium that Cooning uses is no exception. She is known for creating cut-
Photo Credit: Julie Cooning
paper installations, and one of her most recent projects involved creating two 10-foot wide panels for a wedding. What sets her outstanding 10-foot wide panels apart from other backdrops is the
material - she selected Tyvek for this work.
Photo Credit: Claire Peckham
While creating two 10-foot wide cut Tyvek panels might sound like an arduous task to some, it is a smaller scale project for Cooning. Not only does she use Tyvek to create pieces for weddings, but the article says that "Cooning also creates pieces for storefronts, celebrations and city parks." As the article describes, her 2010 piece "Celebrations," an "installation at Occidental Park ... suspended 30 feet in the air and spanned 70 feet wide." Overall, "her work combines airy, elegant shapes with the toughness of Tyvek."

To see other works by Celeste Cooning, visit her website. All photos used with permission.

If you need Tyvek material for your own art project, Material Concepts supplies many varieties of Tyvek. Just contact us for more information or call 215-338-6515 or 1-800-372-3366 for information or to buy Tyvek.

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