
Monday, April 19, 2010

Using Tyvek as a Car Cover

Many customers are using our UV Soft Tyvek as a car cover.
This item: 120" X 10 YARD TYVEK 1460 is particularly popular for such uses and is big enough for most cars with material to spare just in case. Let us know how it works for you - send us your photos of your car using our Tyvek as a car cover. Email to


  1. Is this car cover designed to protect the car from natural elements such as dust, trees, and birds?

  2. Tyvek 1460 offers excellent protection against the elements. This Tyvek style is also protected from ultraviiolet damage by a UV additive package. It's most important design feature it it's ability to allow water to evaporate. When used as a car cover, this feature minimizes the entrapment of moisture and allows the vehicle to dry even when covered.
    Tyvek helps keep soot and debris from penetrating and protects against bird droppings, pollen, leaves, and other surface dust.
    If you would like a free hand sample of Tyvek 1460 please send your request to

    Thank you for your question!


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